R. Ryan Endris, DMus

Dr. R. Ryan Endris has received critical acclaim for his “ability to imbue his vocal and instrumental forces with his view of the music” and for his ensembles’ “clarity, exquisite phrasing, and vibrancy” (Bloomington Herald-Times). He currently serves as Director of Music at St. John's United Church of Christ in Indianapolis. Previous appointments include Director of Choral & Vocal Activities at Colgate University; Director of Music at St. Mary's Catholic Church (Hamilton, NY); and Director of Music at First Christian Church (Bloomington, IN). He has recently appeared as a guest conductor for the Connecticut Music Educators Association Western Region Mixed Honor Choir, the Syracuse Vocal Ensemble and the Monroe County School Music Association’s Women’s Honor Choir; He also has served as a guest clinician and invited lecturer at Universidad Nacional Autonónoma de México (Mexico City, Mexico), Creighton University (Omaha, Nebraska), University of the Andes (Bogotá, Colombia), and University of Cartagena (Cartagena, Colombia). His recording with Collegium Mundi Novi, Antonio Juanas: Premiere Recordings of Selected Choral Works, is currently available under the Centaur Records label. In addition to maintaining an active conducting schedule, Dr. Endris has written several publications. He has published two books with For Beginners, LLC (The History of Classical Music For Beginners and Music Theory For Beginners), and his article on Dominick Argento’s Walden Pond appears in The Choral Scholar. His scholarly edition of Juanas’s Ocho Responsorios para los Maitines de la Santísima Trinidad was published by Carus-Verlag in February 2019. Dr. Endris holds Doctor of Music and Master of Music in Choral Conducting degrees from the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, as well as a Bachelor of Music Education (K-12 Choral/General Music).